Case study on designing a dashboard with complex data points.
Present user with detailed analytics on on Covid-19
Product, UX, UI and Visual Designer and Researcher
3 months
The goal of the project was to create a detailed analytical and visually stunning Covid-19 informational dashboard.
So, first of all … what’s the problem?
Most of the current data for Covid-19 rates is difficult to read
as Engineers are not designers and most of the data is being compiled by Engineers and not designed by UI and UX Designers.
I follow IDEO's Human-Centered Design and the
Lean UX Design Thinking process.
I use the the below research methods as I feel this process is the best way to accumulate quantitative & qualitative data on users and competitors in most industries. This in turn informs my design with a research & evidence based solution.
Usability Tests
Depth Interviews
Online Surveys
Competitive Benchmarking Analysis
Affinity Diagram
Customer Journey Map
Flow Diagram
Defining Navigation
Low, Medium and High Fidelity Prototypes
Interactive Prototype
Finalize Design and Strategy
Usability Tests
Depth Interviews on Prototype
The goal of the project was to create a detailed analytical and visually stunning Covid-19 informational dashboard.
So, first of all … what’s the problem?
I used wireframes and a flowchart to validate my low-fi designs. While I enjoy this process, it can be difficult to know how much detail to go into and when to stop. I wanted my prototype to be exactly that, a prototype - it’s function is to test and validate, it does not need to do everything right now. I stopped at a point where I believed I had solved the problems found during research/analysis and where I was relatively happy with the layout/design.
View Interactive Animated Prototype ↗